

非常期待在 ETHTaipei 看到大家!以下是活動提醒:

  1. 如何到達 ETHTaipei 會場?

  2. 4/24 9am Taipei time 開始開放報到:


  3. ETHTaipei 的完整議程:https://ethtaipei.org/agenda

  4. FAQ:

    活動期間歡迎 tag 我們 #ETHTaipei,現場見!

    Official Website:https://ethtaipei.org/

Hello everyone,

Looking forward to seeing you at ETHTaipei! Here are some event reminders:

  1. How to get to the ETHTaipei venue?

  2. Check-in opens at 9am Taipei time on April 24:


  3. The complete agenda for ETHTaipei is available at https://ethtaipei.org/agenda

  4. FAQ:

Feel free to tag us with #ETHTaipei during the event. See you there!

Official Website:https://ethtaipei.org/